Saturday, October 2, 2010

Key to seeing results- WHAT YOU DO OUTSIDE OF THE GYM!

Your body gets good at what you ask it to do!

*Eat well balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. EAT CLEAN! fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats. (if it has a mom or grows from the ground- its good for you!)
*Drink ½ body weight in ounces/day
*Get 8 hours of sleep every night!
*Not worry so much about the numbers you see on the scale- but the difference you see the next time you measure. 

Be proactive and be nice to that body! it works hard for you, so you should work hard for it! 

stay beYOUtiful:D

Thursday, September 30, 2010

No need to workout longer- workout SMARTER


F=Frequency (NO BUTT DAYS- get moving)
I-Intensity (Rate yourself 1-10 during your workout)
T=Time (Set aside 30min/day to workout!)
T=Type (Cardio machines, strength machines, free weights, functional)
R=Recovery (Give body a chance to build, take in the right nutrients)

Hey everyone! Soooo..i know what you're thinking!!

"It's impossible for me to feel motivated to workout for long
periods of time...bathing suit season is over!" 

Well 1st of all, you don't neeeed to workout for long periods 
of time everyday. Workout SMARTER, not longer. It's all
about a few short bouts of hi intensity mixed with some
 strength training. 

2nd of all, bathing suit season may be over, but the "eating" season is just around the corner. All that october candy on sale, the Thanksgiving meal consisting of 5,000 calories, and those Xmas parties with the buffets of desserts and grandmas cookies!

If you are commited to stay healthy and maintain that weight, we MUST workout during this time. The holidays are busy, don't get me wrong. Yet, it takes more energy to think about going to the gym and feeling guilty for not going than just GOING !

Go to the gym for 30min today...and be FITTR:) You'll thank me later! 


Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to my blog!!- All About GOALS!

Hey everyone! 

Thanks for visiting my health/fitness/wellness blog!

Well, where to start?! 
It's all about GOALS, GOALS, and GOALS! Follow through with them:) 

Set a few short term goals today. Whether it be going for a 15minute walk, or mabye heading to the gym this evening after a long day at work! Be SPECIFIC, make sure the goal is MEASURABLE,what ACTION will you take?, is the goal REALISTIC?, and how much TIME will it take?? 

Accomplish something today, so that tomorrow, you can answer the simple question of "how are you today?" as.."I am fabulous, I just...(insert accomplishment)" BE PROUD OF YOURSELF:) You are worth it! 

Stay beYOUtiful:)
-Katie Werner