Last night, I watched that movie What Women Want with Mel Gibson. It made me really realize, we are ALWAYS having conversation with ourselves in our head. That's why I find people watching so can ask.."what are these people really thinking right now?"
Most of the time, we don't know what other people are thinking...and sometimes we wish we understood other people a little better. But, what we do know, is what WE are thinking.
It is SO crucial and important to keep positive self-talk.
If one day it seems like nothing is going right, you look in the mirror, and criticize, then do nothing about it...where is that going to get you?
If you think something, take action for it, then you will see results the way you think.
NEGATIVE EXAMPLE...THOUGHT: My ass is too small but my stomach is spilling over my pants. ACTION: Going to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips, and watching TV. RESULT: small ass, spilling stomach.
POSITIVE EXAMPLE...THOUGHT: Damn, I look good in these workout clothes! ACTION: Head to the gym with an apple in hand. RESULT: Looking even sexier in your gym clothes.
I have an challenge for those of you who need some help with becoming more of a positive thinker...Write down 10 things you specifically LOVE about yourself...mental or physical...tape it to the mirror that you look into everyday:) Also, write down 3 things you desire to change about yourself and HOW you will change,The way YOU see how you'll reflect on other people too!
Head to the gym, with a smile on, and feel good:D Enjoy you're lovely monday everyone!
Stay BeYOUtiful -Katie
PS- People are taking on my GO GREEN challenge! It's not too late:) Lauren sure knows how it goes!

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