Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 tips for being a 10 on the hotness scale:]

Hey bloggers, soooo you may be your title of this blog today really having to do with being a hotness scale?

The answer is YES. Because, not to be shallow, but if you consider yourself a ten, you will feel confident and feel great about yourself. Here are a few tips to help you be a 10:]

1: FOOD:] Learn how to read nutrition labels, know how many calories you should be eating per day vs grams of fat protein and carbs, drink plenty of water, snack throughout the day to keep your metabolism high so you always have energy, and practice portion control.
EXAMPLE: In order for me to reach my weight goal, I must consume 2000 calories everyday..including 200g Protein, 250 carbs, 60g fat. to get these nutrients I will eat 6 small meals throughout the day. I will always carry my water bottle with me, and keep my portions small. Nothing bigger than the palm of my hand.


2:WORKOUT:] Split your workouts into 2workouts a day at least 4-6 days a week with at least 4 hours between each workout. This way, your body will always be working for you, and you'll become a fat burning machine.
EXAMPLE: I wake up M-TH at 6AM to get my ass in the gym for 40-60min light cardio. Then in the PM, I'll do a weights and mini 20min cardio sesh. simple, and VERY effective. It takes more energy to criticize yourself in the mirror than it does to get your ass up in the morning. JUST DO IT.

3:BEING YOU:] Be confident and cool. Think of yourself as your own masterpiece. Your self-talk is so important. What you are to yourself, others will see. Write down what your proud of to enforce it to yourself if you really have to. Present yourself to people in a positive way. Don't worry so much as to what others think but of what you think of yourself. make a mission statement for yourself for your purpose in life. Even if you don't exactly know yet, make one up that sounds reasonable.
EXAMPLE: My mission- Some of you guys who have known me for a while may say I have changed a lot. You may say for the worse, but I say for the better...therefore I AM. You may say traded a sweet/shy girl for a cocky girl who only cares about looks, but I say for confidence and feeling good. You may say I've changed to" impress" others..but instead im just looking at myself in the mirror saying .."damn i look good". I'm here to make a difference in my world and not sit around wishing I were someone else. It's my time to get what I give to the world. I'm ready to give it my all. My heart. My soul. My passion.

4: ROLE MODELS:] It's important to have people in the world to look at who have succeed and see the different things you can take from them in order to succeed for yourself. Look at famous people, people in the world, people that used to be in the world, family members, even close friends or people you know form facebook that you admire for who they are and what they do but don't know too well. If you do what they do and aren't afraid to ask for guidance, you will succeed and mabye find your own twist of doing a similar thing.
EXAMPLE: My friends/people that workout at my gym are inspiring for me. I see them everyday of my life and I notice the things that they do. I learn new technique from some of them when I ask for help. It's important to keep learning new things. Also, is one of my favorite workout/nutrition sites/blogs.

5: AWARNESS:] It's all about WHO ,WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY. What makes you curious/distracted/excited/motivated? Who helps/hurts/loves/motivates you? Where do you work hard/feel good/feel uncomfortable? When are you effective/moody/motivated? Why do you feel/act/be a certian way?
EXAMPLE: I feel motivated to workout in my favorite gym everyday because I love the people at my gym, I drink a cup of joe b my workouts for energy, and I want to look/feel great about myself. BAM..see? that easy:]

SO, those were my five tips for being HOT. Now, hotness isn't only about looks. Sure, its included..but is a person feels good, it will reflect onto other people as well. Try some of these things and let me know how it goes. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Stay BeYOUtiful;]

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